Monday, 19 May 2014

National Museum Day : your favourite museum or experience

Yesterday was National Museum Day
My favourite museum? Too hard to choose just one! I love the Victoria and Albert here in London with its vast variety of beautiful archives, the National Gallery and Tate Britain for the Turners, my all-time favourite artist. But, I love the Uffici, too in Florence, and the Rennie MacIntosh museums in Glasgow, and the Russell-Cotes in Bournemouth, and the Ashmolean in Oxford, and the Fitzwilliam in Cambridge.....

We went to see The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman, Grayson Perry's Exhibition at the British Museum a couple of years ago. Fabulous! If you didn't seen it, he curated his own work alongside artefacts and pieces in the permanent collections that inspired him; from pilgrimages to amphoras. The entrance has his wonderful pink motorbike with a throne for his teddy Alan Measles (too precious to exhibit - he has a stand-in in 'Ted') for their roadtrip around Germany. We bought the catalogue and some postcards to remind us.

Here we are, reflected in the wheel cover!


  1. We'd have gone to that Grayson Perry exhibition at the British Museum if we were still living in London a couple of years ago. We read about it in the papers and we knew it would be fabulous and so interesting. You're so lucky to have had the chance to go.I couldn't choose a favourite museum either. I think we're spoilt for choice in this country especially if you're in London. We'll stop by Oxford on our way to Hampshire next month and we're planning to go to the Ashmolean while we're there. We're very much looking forward to it.
    Have a lovely week! x

  2. I love the Musee D'Orsay in Paris. So much beauty contained in such a gorgeous building.


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