Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Walk to Work Week

I don't walk to work; it would take at least two and a half hours, but I walk to and from the tube both ends. So here's a little insight into my walks. I avoid the main road linking school and Waterloo, and instead take a probably longer but more pleasant, quieter and less fume-y route.


  1. I enjoyed this walk, and seeing the windows and plantings, thanks for taking us along!
    Happy weekend!
    Helen xox

  2. I used to love my walks to work when I lived in London, I had to get two buses to work, so I'd usually walk one of the routes which was a great way to start the day and a nice way to clear my head at the end of the day. Thanks for sharing your journey, much nicer to take a slightly longer, but quieter and more scenic route!


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